Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Past

 I thought it would be fun to look through our family photos from Christmas past and share them with you!  It's always fun to get a good laugh (2002 shows that short hair is not for me!!) and to see how the kids have grown.  There are no pics prior to 2001 because I didn't have a digital camera then and really I don't feel like messing with the scanner!  Ha  You're not missing much.  Ryan and I were married in 1999, and Isaiah was born in 2001, so we'll start with Isaiah's first Christmas.  Hope you enjoy; I know I did!!

2001 (Isaiah is almost 4 months old;our nephew is also in this pic)


2003 (Emma was SO tiny at only 20 days old)






2009 (Olivia was 1 month old)


2011  Merry Christmas!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Girly Birthdays!!!

Both my baby girls have recently celebrated their birthdays.  Miss Olivia turned two on November 23rd, and Miss Emma will be eight tomorrow!!
We always stay busy this time of year with all of the Christmas stuff and birthdays.  In fact this year I totally dropped the ball on Olivia's birthday (see earlier post for reasons why).  Well, thanks to my mil, Olivia had a cake, balloons, and presents to open!!
I think her favorite part was a Minnie Mouse card that played music!!  She carried it around the house until it was broken!!

On Friday night Emma had a sleep-over with 6 of her girlfriends.  They had a great time and really were well-behaved, polite young ladies!!  We painted nails, played games, did karaoke, and put on make-up!

Now that the birthdays are over at our house for the year, we can focus on Christmas and celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ!!