Monday, February 18, 2013

What were we thinking??

We had a moment of weakness.  Maybe it's the lack of sleep or the cold winter months going to our brains.  In the midst of all the sickness in our house we have added 4 more members to the family. 
It all started when Emma wanted a fish.  Seems innocent enough, right?  Wrong!  Next Olivia wants a fish, which somehow turned into Isaiah wanting a snake.  Unfortunately for him my mother-in-law is deathly afraid of snakes and would refuse to come inside the house if we got one.  So he turned his attention to acquiring a a bearded dragon.  After much research we realized that a bearded dragon needs a lot more care and attention than we were ready for.  So we were on the hunt again for a suitable pet for Isaiah.  We went to both Pet Food Centers, Petsmart, and then finally to Harp's Pets before he found the deal he was looking for.  They had a sale on two steppe runners with a cage, light, cave and water bowl already included.  The only care they need is water and crickets, and to clean their cage regularly.  He was sold!!

And so now we have 2 parents, 4 children, 1 dog, 2 fish, and 2 steppe runners.  Who knows, next it may be chickens!!  (Not kidding, I've been wanting chickens for a long time now!!!)

Please excuse the mess in the background.  We are in the middle of turning our dining room into a school room.

Friday, February 15, 2013


If I wasn't living it; I wouldn't believe it.  Since my last post Isaiah has had strep throat and a cold, Olivia has a cold and Allen has been diagnosed with RSV and an ear infection.  It really is time for this cycle of sickness to be over.  We've also had to replace a broken toilet and fix a broken fridge in the last week.  Anyway, I know that the Lord is teaching us something and is sustaining us through it all.

We did venture out of the house Wednesday this past week to attend a Classical Conversations open house.  The kids and I really had a wonderful day and I was thoroughly impressed by what I saw.  Emma even said it didn't feel like school and she wanted to go back next week.  So, my excitement for school next year continues to grow.  Now I just can't wait to get my manuals and books so I can get organized and ready for the big change when fall comes.
The kids "helping" me give Allen a breathing treatment

Monday, February 4, 2013

I surrender

I surrender.  I give up.  Sickness continues to visit our house and I am tired of it!!  Quite literally. 

It all started about a week before Christmas.  We were at basketball practice and my throat started to hurt.  Thought it was just a cold.  This "cold"  lasted about 3 weeks and turned into one of the toughest respiratory infections that I have had in a long time.  Coughing became a frequent sound in our house.  At one point I even lost my voice.  Ryan thought that was pretty great!  :)  My body ached, I laid in bed, I had the cold chills.  Every time I thought I was getting better then, WAM, it would hit again.  After two antibiotics, a steroid shot, and a high dose steroid pack, I was on the mend. 

Since then Isaiah has had the cough and ache, and the pukes.  Emma has had the cough and ache, and then the high fever while feeling horrible.  Olivia has coughed and ached, pretty badly, and then she had the puke and fever.  Fortunately, little Allen only got goopy eyes and just recently a little cough and hoarse throat. 

That brings me to Ryan.  He has had all the above too.  Then today he came home from work (which he hardly ever does) with a fever and running to the potty, if you get what I mean. There has been a constant stream of sick people in my house for over a month.  We have had 3-4 days in a row here and there where all was well, but it never lasted long.  I didn't even get to go to church for something like 5 Sundays in a row!  That may be a record for me!!

I am so done with sickos in my house.  Starting to wonder when it will end??!!  Maybe we need to just hole up until it is warm outside again.  Spring can't come soon enough for me.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Cherished Day

Friday was one of those days.  The kind that I know I will cherish for years to come.  My big kids had been at Academy of Arts drama camp all week and on Friday they stayed ALL day; like 10am-midnight kind of all day!  I had spent the rest of my "free time" earlier in the week running errands and volunteering at the camp.  But Friday I was able to spend all morning playing with Olivia and Allen.  We played games, doctor, read books, colored, played in the snow, and showed Allen all sorts of toys while he rolled around.  It reminded me of my early days as a parent.  We never had much to do and Isaiah, Emma and I would play, dance, paint, sing, ect. 

Now that Isaiah and Emma are school age most of our time is consumed with school.  Not that I am complaining.  I love teaching my children and watching them learn and discover the world around them.  But I do miss just being able to play and I often feel badly for Olivia and Allen.  They don't get the same attention and individual time with me that the older two did.  I understand this is just a function of where we are in life, but that doesn't make it any easier!  So, I must make a commitment to be more purposeful with my little ones.

All that being said; I thoroughly enjoyed my time with my little guys on Friday and then that night I was treated to a wonderful play put on by the Academy of Arts students.  My older two had a wonderful week learning about set design, make-up, costumes, lighting, and acting.  They made friends, learned more about the Lord during chapel time, and learned some major teamwork!  Already, they are wanting to be signed up for next year!!  Overall, the whole day was a treat!!!
before the performance

the entire cast of "Basket of Flowers"