It all started when Emma wanted a fish. Seems innocent enough, right? Wrong! Next Olivia wants a fish, which somehow turned into Isaiah wanting a snake. Unfortunately for him my mother-in-law is deathly afraid of snakes and would refuse to come inside the house if we got one. So he turned his attention to acquiring a a bearded dragon. After much research we realized that a bearded dragon needs a lot more care and attention than we were ready for. So we were on the hunt again for a suitable pet for Isaiah. We went to both Pet Food Centers, Petsmart, and then finally to Harp's Pets before he found the deal he was looking for. They had a sale on two steppe runners with a cage, light, cave and water bowl already included. The only care they need is water and crickets, and to clean their cage regularly. He was sold!!
And so now we have 2 parents, 4 children, 1 dog, 2 fish, and 2 steppe runners. Who knows, next it may be chickens!! (Not kidding, I've been wanting chickens for a long time now!!!)
Please excuse the mess in the background. We are in the middle of turning our dining room into a school room. |