Monday, August 15, 2011

School, Carrots,and Pumpkins

 Well today was our first official day of school.  Overall things went really well, but I wasn't as prepared as I thought I was.  I felt like I was fumbling through things all day.  Also, I underestimated the ability of one toddler to distract everyone.  She was grabbing books, dumping pencils, screaming and wanting juice or snacks at every turn.  Homeschool will be very different this year with Miss O being so active!!
Here is Miss O ready for "school"
Another thing that has been going on here lately is gardening.  My once beautiful garden has been overtaken by weeds, heat, and bugs.  I am new to this whole gardening thing and I'm committed to not using any chemicals.  So far my squash, cucumbers, and beans are all dead.  Not much of a harvest this year, but not so bad for our second year!!
 Tonight the kids and I harvested our carrots!  They were huge and smelled kind of spicy.  I can't wait to try them and see how they taste. 
I definitely have a lot to learn.  These pumpkins/gourds were harvested about 2 weeks ago.  At the end of the fall season last year I threw all of my decorative pumpkins into the garden thinking they would just rot and be good for the garden.  Little did I know that this spring the entire garden would be covered in tiny pumpkin plants.  We picked them all out and left 3 or 4 of them in the corner of the garden to see what would happen.  Above is what we got!! Not much I know but the plants were overtaken by squash bugs!!  This gardening thing is a learning process for sure!!!


  1. So proud of you & your sweet family! Your Grandpa Wurth & Grandpa Hartig were both great gardeners. I know you'll do fine. Love you sweetheart!!.... Mom

  2. I feel the same way a about starting school. I need to prepare more! So jealous of your garden - you'll get the hang of it!
